Camera. Rolling. Action!
Camera. Rolling. Action!
The South Afreakins: The Afreakin Family. A witty and wistful solo show about growind old, growing apart, and finding happiness when letting go is so hard.
The South Afreakins. A dark comedic solo show about leaving everything behind and starting over again.
Penguinpig. Phoebe reads about a Penguinpig on the Internet. Filled with delight and intrigue she sets off alone on an adventure to find the adorable creature.
Just Like That! Tommy Cooper Show is a celebration of the magic, music and mirth of Britain's greatest comedian. The show has played to sell-out acclaimed success across the UK and London.
A group of teens, from a sinister version of future Britain, are scattered across the Afterlife. Can they figure it out before it’s too late?
SpeakUp Arts #1 was an evening to remember. Remember objects, stories, and secret memories. Artists from different disciplines and audiences come together.
At SpeakUp Arts #2 four artists, each unique in character and style, joined forces, and put their creative goggles on, to offer audiences a one-off artistic experience. Speak Up Arts is Pulp & Pith's first produced project. It's series of events that brings together artists from different disciplines and audiences.
#MarketingFact good visuals, including videos and images, are great for attracting attention on social media, and for offering a unique window into the artistic process bringing audiences into intimate connection and true engagement with the artists and the company
snap! snap! snap!
snap! snap! snap!
Plastica Galactica by Emma Gannon & Bryony Harris
HOT (Helen of Troy) by Pinecone Performance Lab
An Idea Come To Me by Richard Popple
Penguinpig the play by Barmpot Theatre
EUROHOUSE by Bertrand Lesca & Nasi Voutsas, co-produced by Fellswoop Theatre
Home Solo by Ensemble Dance Company
The South Afreakins, Impi Theatre Company
Just Like That! The Tommy Cooper Show, Hamblendon Productions